The slow demise of “Religion”, and the rise of “Consciousness”

It is comforting, and a feeling of gratification that I have lived long enough to not only witness, but feel a small part of this “Great Awakening” portion of our evolution as a species. It has taken decades, with the advent of the age of computers, the internet, and social media, for ordinary people with extraordinary common sense to begin to wake up to this “New Age”, which IS part of the beginning, i.e., “The Dawn of the Age of Aquarius”.

God is NOT dead. News Flash! He just never existed in the first place, and people are waking up and recognizing that. In place of religion, a new sensibility is emerging, watering the flowers on the graves of “Religion” in their own minds and hearts. This new awareness really isn’t new, it’s been there all along. It’s just more enhanced and “Shared”.

Along with mankind’s insanely archaic religiosity, what is dying a slow death is everything related to it; Wars, Human Suffering, and so many other negative attributes that our species has been a slave to for thousands of years. To be just a small part of this significant change/process is humbling and reassuring to me that my six-year old grandson will see the completion/fruition of this part of our evolution as a species.

On one hand, it certainly is pathetic how the so-called modern day “christians” are reacting to the world around them. How can one not be appalled by the recent FB post wherein a so-called “pastor” said, “Immigrant detention centers are good for kids because they can still have church services”. How can a normal human being be OK with, justify, and be a part of the apartheid treatment of the Palestinian people?

The “Light of Aquarius” has begun to shine brighter and brighter on the malignity with our species that has been there all along, just look at the news. Epstein? He has lived out his usefulness to the Mossad and it won’t surprise me if he conveniently and covertly dies of “Natural Causes”. If the headlines read, “Epstein found hanging in his cell with a baseball bat stuck up his ass”, it won’t be suicide, it’ll be death by “Bubba”. If it REALLY appears to be an unfortunate death due to a “Heart Attack, that will be one of his elite clients hiring a professional “Hit-man”. If he mysteriously disappears, along with his money, he will be living out the remainder of his life in the Zionist s so-called State of Israel. Speaking of the Middle East? Shit’s going to start happening that the zionists are not going to be happy with.

On the other hand, our species HAS been in the early stages of a great awakening as we evolve. Religions of ALL kinds and types are slowly dying, some religions will take a little longer to become just a footnote in our history as a species, but for sure, we are evolving into a different, more honest and humane species.

One of the first to go? Christianity and especially the evangelical zionist christians. Along with them, hand in hand, we will also see the zionists who will be flushed down the shithole of mankind.


“It’s not over until the Fat Lady sings? Guess what folks, the Fat Lady is singing now” Sorry the image of the T-Shirt is so pixelated. The actual image and verbiage on the T-Shirt is sharp, in case you are interested in one.


More about this “Great Awakening”, feel free to comment on this post, and if you have something you feel adds to this, PM me and I will add your thoughts to the post on this website and on my blog website. – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, ?????? ????????? , ???? ??????, Paix et Demeure, ????????????? ?? ?????, ??? ? ??????????, Pace e Abide, ?????, ?????, A?tî û Abad, ??? ? ????, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, ????? ?? ?????, Hòa bình và ? l?i, ??? ? ?????, ???? ??? ???????, ?????????????????????, Mir in bivanje

Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE


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