Calculated Cruelty, Viciousness and Malice Aforethought

The human species is just slightly above chimpanzees in that if you have ever watched the interactions between two groups of chimpanzees that are battling each other, you will notice their cruelty. A crude but “Calculated Cruelty” with “Viciousness” that is a naturally instinctive behavior. They literally tear each other apart, instinctively.

The difference between human beings and chimpanzees? Chimpanzees cannot stop or prevent their cruelty because they have no “Malice Aforethought” and their actions are completely instinctive. They can be cunning when they fight, and viciously cruel to each other, but they do not have the ability to plan ahead with malice aforethought, or let’s say, decide that their cruelty is wrong, suddenly stop fighting, and embrace in some display of compassion or empathy, they are just viciously cruel, it’s part of their instinctive psyche.

Humans only have a slight edge over chimpanzees because we have the ability to decide right from wrong in everything we do and we have within our psyche, the capability for “Malice Aforethought”. As humans, we have the ability within ourselves to instantly switch from vicious and calculated cruelty to sudden compassion and empathy, chimpanzees do not. The negative difference for us as humans, is that we also can be much more cunning in our cruelty and viciousness towards others because of our “Malice Aforethought”. Just like when someone plans a horrific attack on another person out of revenge, jealousy, or for other reasons, and they planned it for days, weeks, months or even years, they are said to have had, “Malice Aforethought” before they committed their crime.

When humans are cruel and vicious, like those chimpanzees, they express their cruelty in a calculated, methodical manner, more so than a chimpanzee because their “Calculated Cruelty and Viciousness” includes the ability to have “Malice Aforethought”.

Humans typically are not considered vicious or thought of as killing someone else with calculated cruelty when they are defending themselves, their families or property, and are said to have responded instinctively. Humans are considered vicious with a calculated cruelty and viciousness when they are murdering prisoners as an example, like videotaping their beheading of a person to show the world that they are in control. Their perverse viciousness and calculated cruelty was obviously with “Malice Aforethought” to express their ideology in an extremely inhumane manner. A serial killer that murders their victims in an especially horrific, vicious, and cruel way, have done so with a perverse and calculated mindset, without any “Malice Aforethought” because they thought what they were doing was “Normal” behavior to them. They usually are considered insane.

We train our military to carry out their mission and kill the enemy with a calculated cruelty and viciousness. That calculated cruelty, that viciousness including malice aforethought, is seen as heroic, yet in so many cases, our soldiers return home mentally damaged and with a psychosis we call PTSD. Many commit suicide, or kill others, then commit suicide, usually with no malice aforethought because we have succeeded in turning them into chimpanzees, incapable of feeling remorse, empathy or compassion, no longer able to end the madness that has invaded their psyche. 

Giving a platoon of chimpanzees AK-47’s is as ludicrous and no different than training a soldier to kill the enemy with malice aforethought, which is calculated cruelty and viciousness, just like those chimpanzees with automatic weapons. The only difference IS that a human can have that malice aforethought, and a chimpanzee cannot. Soldiers, chimpanzees, pretty much the same to me, that’s why I vote for ending all wars and armed conflicts, and one of the many reasons to reduce our military presence globally, and to bring our soldiers home.

For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”


For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, ?????? ????????? , ???? ??????, Paix et Demeure, ????????????? ?? ?????, ??? ? ??????????,, ?????, ?????, A?tî û Abad, ??? ? ????, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, ????? ?? ?????, Hòa bình và ? l?i, ??? ? ?????, ???? ??? ???????, ?????????????????????, Mir in bivanje,

Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE


Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.


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Justice, with “Mercy” versus “Justice” without “Mercy”

When we reverse an “Unjust” judgement against a person or persons falsely accused and convicted of a crime, we do so with mercy. When we are able to correctly bring a person or persons to their proper judgment, conviction and punishment for a proven “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” crime, we do so with no “Mercy”.

It is time to show “No Mercy” towards those that have committed crimes against humanity. We know “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” who they are, we all desire “Justice” be served, and we all, together, must bring those assholes to judgement for their crimes.

Sure, it’s a wonderful aspect of our technology today, that we have been able to share the truth about so many things/issues that have monumental impact on not just our own daily lives, but entire nations of people, and our species. I only need to share one example of unjust and perverse treatment that we MUST somehow end, and that’s the treatment of the nation of Palestine and its people. It’s time to stop talking our talk and do something, because if we don’t, our talk has been and will remain to be, as “Useless as Wings on a Penis”. For now, we have to use the platforms currently available to us, like farcecrap.

Besides using these currently available platforms to share our concern, grief and anger, about the injustices that we see, and the crimes that have been committed, let’s now use those same platforms to ORGANIZE, PLAN, and EXECUTION of a plan to bring ALL the criminals to justice, swiftly, and with no mercy. I believe that our numbers are “Legion” already, and once we begin to organize, together, we will reach a stage of growth to enable us to continue our “Mission of Justice” on a dedicated platform, a secure, encrypted platform as I have so often mentioned in the past.

If you want to remain as a “Single Fly Farting in the Wind”, you have every right to do so, and good luck with that. If you want to take part in actually doing something, join us. We can, and we WILL see justice prevail. We are not seeking your financial support, although we know at some point, that we will have the necessary funding to carry out our mission. First and foremost, we seek your involvement with whatever skill-sets you may have to offer. Communicate with us, help us organize, help us plan, and help us execute the plan. Thank you.

Peace & Abide,

Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE

My other website is:

Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.

Click on a link here to share:   

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This website is not filled with a bunch of “Click-On” ads for the latest in “Toothbrushes” “Fashion” or “Free trips to where ever” generating income. We are not seeking your financial support as a primary goal or function of this website,, although we know at some point, that we will have the necessary funding to carry out our mission. First and foremost, If you feel this is worthy of your financial support and you do donate, that’s great, and we sincerely thank you, but first and foremost we are looking for your involvement with whatever skill-sets you may have to offer. Communicate with us, help us organize, help us plan, and help us execute the plan.  Thank you






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“My Golden Calf is better than your Wooden Monkey”


“Adoration or devotion comparable to religious homage, shown toward a person, deity or principle”

I like this particular “Dictionary” definition and think that it is the most accurate of all the many dictionary definitions in that it includes the “Worship” of a person. I added the word “Deity” to make the definition complete.


“Confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept. In the context of religion, one can define “Faith” as confidence or trust in a particular system of religious belief”.

My one-word response. Gullibility.

Throughout our species’ oral and written history, mankind has always worshiped SOMETHING other than themselves. Wither it’s a celestial body like the Sun, Moon, or Stars, an animal like a Snake, Monkey, Goat, a Golden Statue of an animal like the “Golden Calf”, or some other human being like a Pharaoh or a Greek God. Incredibly, even today, in some parts of the world, the person at the top in some cultures is worshiped as a “God”. It’s historically true that mankind’s “Religions” have killed more people than anything else has. Huge numbers of “Gullible” people involved.

In modern history, some have even created their own “Religion” like that dude, L. Ron Hubbard, a relatively unknown science fiction writer at the time, that cleverly thought of a way to boost book sales by creating Scientology, which was about as real as his science fiction writing. Clever dude he was, and he laughed all the way to the bank.

I submit for your thoughtful consideration, that our species is at a fork in the road with regards to man-made religions, and our ultimate destiny.

“If someone can Love (worship) have “Faith” in himself or herself, they can then, and only then, truly love others as he or she loves themselves”.  In other words, make it simple. Cut out the middleman, cut out the “Golden Calf” in your life. I believe that by loving and respecting yourself, by our human nature, you will love and respect others as well.

It’s exactly as, and encompasses the same principle as the “Golden Rule”. Treat others how you desire others to treat you. By cutting out the middleman (the Golden Calf in your life), you will no longer have a need to compete with someone else’s Goat, Snake, Golden Idol, or whatever they “Worship”. If they also have cut out their “Golden Calf” and love themselves, there would be no more competition for “Adoration or devotion comparable to religious homage, shown toward a person, deity or principle”.

Think about this for a minute. If you love yourself, without asking or forcing someone else to worship YOU or your idea of GOD, as so many have done throughout history, you will have achieved something that ALL religions have failed to achieve since the beginning of our species’ oral and written history, and that is true love and respect for one another, true peace, happiness, and fulfillment in your life.

So, I say, start your journey. Eliminate the middleman, the “Golden Calf” or whatever it is that you “Worship”. Love/Worship/Respect yourself always, it’s not that difficult a thing to do. As you do that, you will automatically find that you will love others around you as much as you love yourself.

Endgame? No more competition creating Wars over different religious beliefs.  Peace, Respect, and Harmony for all. I know, easy to say, hard to do? Especially with all the negative Karma running rampant in our world today. I say begin with yourself first, then as you grow in this incredibly simple journey, others will be doing the same. It will catch on, and do so without all the “Mumbo-Jumbo, Hocus-Pocus, Praise-Be-To-Whatever” gullibility inducing bullshit. Your doctrine is the simplest of them all, love and have faith in yourself, follow the Golden Rule. Works for me, it will also work for you.

For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”


For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, Paix et Demeure,  A?tî û Abad, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, Hòa bình và, Mir in bivanje,

Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE


Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.

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Making a dead man smile is easier than……

How can you hold ANYONE else responsible for THEIR lack of COMMON SENSE? It’s unfortunate and disgusting, but in plain English, or any other language, you can’t hold them accountable BECAUSE they simply don’t have a clue, they are just fucking idiots. Also, unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots in control of our lives, they usually rose to some level of power because of corruption and money (both go hand in hand).

Regardless of WHO they are, a family member, neighbor, co-worker, employer, high or low ranking politician, or world leader, if they lack Common Sense, they do not have the ability to recognize, assess, and act on any issue in a rational manner, small or earth-shattering, that affects the lives of others. That’s one of the reasons our species is so fucked up.

Don’t confuse maniacal with common sense. Down through our history as a species, most people in positions of power and leadership have been ruthless, maniacal, self-serving, greedy and blood-thirsty assholes. Give me one example of someone with great power and authority in our past history that had Common Sense. There were a few, and they were opposite of ruthless, maniacal, self-serving, greedy, and blood-thirsty and were usually assassinated before they could share their Common Sense and change the world.

For those that DO have common sense, it is futile to try to convince ANY idiot that they are wrong, wither it’s a simple issue with a family member, co-worker, employer, or a much more serious issue facing the health of our planet or our very existence as a species.

As we have evolved as a species, the issues we face have become much more complicated and life-threatening, as humankind no longer resolves disputes with sticks and stones, but with advanced weaponry, capable of killing billions of people with Nuclear Weapons. Now, countries invade other countries with much more sophisticated weapons and technology.

Which brings us back to COMMON SENSE. The ONLY way we can survive as a species is to establish a means of governing ourselves that includes one ingredient that so far, has been missing……and that’s Common Sense.

Common Sense tells us that war, i.e., invading another part of our world because of the desired natural resources, makes no sense at all. Common Sense tells us that to idly sit and watch another country do just that is wrong, wrong for everyone, and becomes a deeply troubling and complicated issue that we face, so we react?

I believe in a different order other than the new world order that the elite are trying to implement. The elite want to kill off 90% of the world’s population. I do think our species WILL someday be unified as one, as a NEW AGE. As a unified species, an age of PEACE instead of war, BROTHERHOOD instead of racial divisions, LOVE for all of mankind, instead of hatred, and GOOD WILL towards all.

For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”


For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, Paix et Demeure, A?tî û Abad, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite,  Mir in bivanje,

Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.








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Don’t blame me, I worship the next-door neighbor’s Siamese Cat

I get annoyed at the utter lack of Common Sense and the pure stupidity of most of our species when I see ANY “Anti-Any Religion” bullshit being flung at people. First of all, regardless of your particular religious beliefs, as a species on this little speck in the vast universe, we are all one species and therefore, EQUAL in every respect.

Regardless of your skin color, your native language, your station in life, AND your religious background and belief, until you discover the true meaning of universal brotherhood as a species and apply the philosophy or belief that we all should are equal and should seek and provide our “Good Will” towards ALL of mankind, you are just part of the problem that our species has been suffering from since the beginning of recorded history of humankind.

We see the same old bullshit that has been going on for centuries, one religion against another religion, against another religion, against another religion, with every single religious system known to mankind, believing that they are the only way to “Heaven” or to “Eternal Life”, and killing people because they believe differently. Look at history folks. What has all this bullshit accomplished? Would the world suddenly know real peace if miraculously all of our species became what we call, Atheists? I believe so.

On top of all the religious bullshit, we have the evolution of our systems of government that have been taking advantage of the religious differences between whole nations of people for eons. The folks in charge, and I have to say, it’s mostly the Western “Civilized” nations, that could give a rat’s ass what your religious beliefs are, want to possess and control the natural resources of our planet, and wars along the way, big or small, are serving their purpose and goals. It’s been that way for centuries.

Centuries of exploration, colonization, and domination, as we have evolved. The problem is that today, with the sophisticated technologies and ruthless ideologies in power, the advancement/proliferation of the military/industrial complex and the elite cabal behind it, are hell-bent to continue with their goals of their idea of a New World Order and all it entails, and they are still using religious differences amongst nations and peoples to achieve their goals.

So, how can we blame ANY one religion for the greed and injustice that has been so prevalent and plagued humankind for so long? Religion is just a tool, as it has been for thousands of years. The godless elite cabal know this, and they will continue to “Use” religions as a tool. They know that at some point in time, they will have accomplished what they wanted to achieve all along. The problem is that the only thing they care about is themselves. The rest of humanity can “Go to Hell” as far as they’re concerned. If they truly were concerned for mankind, they would have ceased all wars and genocide, eliminated mass hunger and starvation, spent their stolen dollars on curing ALL the ills that plague our species, a long time ago.

Call it what you will, but I believe that the elite cabal uses the military/industrial complex as just another tool like they use religion. Benefiting from all the wars, and killing millions of people, when the smoke clears, the ruling powers/elite cabal ALWAYS end up owning and profiting from the natural resources. The elite cabal, in using the military/industrial complex is kind of like hiring a bunch of thugs to go into your neighbor’s house, killing the family, then yelling out the door, “Okay, it’s safe to come in and loot the place now”. The MSM tells folks, “Let’s pray for our brave soldiers defending democracy and our way of life” (in some other country that stands in the way of our taking of their natural resources). Sorry folks, your “Thoughts and Prayers” is pure bullshit.

I wish more people would “Wake Up”. It doesn’t take too much brain-matter to understand what has been going on, not only for the past multiple generations, but for most of our species existence on this planet. I am one of those folks that have spent years and years of research into the evolution of our species, not “Ape to Man” but “Sticks and Stones” to modern day weapons of mass destruction like Nuclear Weapons. My research/study has included the study of our financial and religious systems as well as the advancement of technology. It ends up, that the key is to follow the money trail, as they always say. As a species, we are coming to a “Fork in the Road’. If we choose the right road, we will survive, and mankind will be better off for it. If we take the wrong road when we come to that fork, there is a likelihood that our species will become extinct, cease to exist.

What can be done to convince our species to take the correct fork in the road? It is a complicated journey, but one that is possible. I am open for discussion on what I feel we must do as a species to take the right fork, and survive.

For my faithful readers that are aware that I’m finally working on “The Dead Armadillo” story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company that desires to option my novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a one of those faithful readers that wish to read and follow my progress as I work on this novel, I will be posting updates as a PDF file on every new post on this website/blog. Here’s the latest of “The Dead Armadillo”


For those of you that would care to get involved with me on this project, as I intend to hire a professional screenwriter at some point, and produce a feature film, I have recently been approved for a KICKSTARTER campaign where you can contribute. Here is the link to the KICKSTARTER campaign.


Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, Paix et Demeure, A?tî û Abad, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite,  Mir in bivanje,

Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.







Send Dr. Saxe a comment using the form below:

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My Memoir, and a “Teaser” for my novel, “The Dead Armadillo” story

Here’s a file of my 99% finished “Memoir” titled “Memoir of an Unknown Dude” that also contains a little “Teaser” for my novel titled The Dead Armadillo”. Please feel free to share.


In “The Dead Armadillo” you will read about my “Extended Vacation” at the Wayne County Prison Farm in the late sixties and the events leading up to it, and the events following my little vaca.

After I publish this memoir, I will continue with the story until I have a full-length novel ready to adapt to the “Big Screen”. So, enjoy this memoir and the “Teaser” at the end.

For those readers of this memoir that are really wanting more of my DEAD ARMADILLO story, like say, a Producer, or a Director, or a Screenwriter or someone or a company to option a yet to be written novel, you can contact me at any time, night or day. If you are a reader who is not in the industry, but you are anxious to read or hear more, I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to wait until my novel hits the shelves. This is going to be beyond what you normally see on Amazon Kindle, so thanks for your patience. So now, on with the chapter, “The Dead Armadillo”

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, Paix et Demeure, A?tî û Abad, ??? ? ????, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, Hòa bình và ? l?i, Mir in bivanje,

We sometimes think it is hopeless and against all odds, but hey, we are part of the 99% against the 1% that currently have absolute control. We can and shall overcome the odds, but only if we truly ORGANIZE. Otherwise, we are all just as a “Single Fly, Farting in the Wind”. Some thoughts on possible miracles/solutions can be found on the following GOFUNDME page. If you have questions, suggestions, comments, etcetera, again, please feel free to contact me. You can contact me by farcecrap PM, send me an email or fill out the contact form below. Thank you.


Some immediate needs. On a volunteer basis for now, we need a WEBMASTER who can work on the ITAD-NAO website, we need a person skilled in “Crowd-Funding” and “Director of Charitable Giving”, we need an attorney to help in the legal matters for ITAD_NAO, including setting us up as a tax-exempt “Church”, we need a Certified CPA to insure the financial integrity of the ITAD-NAO organization, we need a “Chief of Security”, we need a film-maker, first for YouTube, eventually for larger platforms, plus a few other positions. We believe that somewhere down the road, a Billionaire will step up to the plate and write a check for $50 Million or so, which will turn those volunteer positions into paid positions.






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