The International Tabernacle of Abiding Dudeism GOFUNDME Proposal

This is the GOFUNDME Proposal:

Foreword: Here’s a radical thought, that we are submitting now as a GO FUND ME proposal.  In fact, it is so radical, we know that it will only receive donations from those that truly believe, i.e., are “Awake” as we like to say, and are “Like-Minded” and support our cause and purpose.

Our species is fast approaching a “Fork in the Road”, which we will explain in this proposal.    First of all, it does not matter who you are, what religion you may associate yourself with, your race, your political affiliation or what country of your homeland. It does not matter what your particular theories you believe in and support, “Flat Earth” , “Aliens from another Planet”, “New World Order”, “New Age”, “Biblical Prophecies”, “Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy”.

What does matter, is that you are “Awake” and you see the dire situation our species, and our planet is in. That we have evolved to a point in time that as a species, we have the capability to destroy all humans on the planet with the pressing of a single button, but we also have the means to prevent us from becoming just another extinct species, like the dinosaurs.

We have NEVER been at peace at ANY time in our brief history. Along with the evolution and advancement in all areas such as Scientific and Medical areas, we also have advanced in our Weaponry. Early humans discovered that a large tree branch or a two-pound rock, could kill another human with one swift blow to the opponent’s head. I suppose someone did get the bright idea to take that same rock and rub the end of the tree branch against it enough to make a sharp point on the end, thus, the first spear, stabbing/piercing weapon was invented. Now we can literally vaporize a million people all at once with a single Nuclear weapon.

Imagine just how many thousands of Nuclear Warheads are stockpiled by the nine countries that we know of, that have Nukes.

For the purpose of this proposal, let’s list them. United States, Russia, France, China, United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea. It is noteworthy that there is a total of 190 countries that have previously agreed and signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968 (many of them do not possess Nukes). There are several countries that have NOT signed the treaty, which are, India, Israel, Pakistan, and South Sudan. North Korea had signed, but withdrew from the treaty in 2003. There sure is a hell of a lot of Nukes out there, in the hands of some you may say, are not trustworthy. The political leadership of a few of the countries, whose names we won’t mention, are like “Schoolyard Bullies” always threatening to blow the other country or countries up.

Unfortunately, our systems of government and financial systems fully support the advancements in our ability to kill one another so efficiently. Setting aside ALL “Conspiracy Theories”, it is clearly evident to those who ARE awake, that we are pretty well fucked at this point, i.e., someone eventually is going to use Nukes, UNLESS we all do something about it.

A favorite quote we use quite often, “We are all like a Single Fly, Farting in the Wind” referring to the fact that there are multitudes of like-minded people, individually sharing their thoughts on the various social media platforms, all the way up to and including major “Alternative Media” outlets, reaching millions of people on a daily basis, and still, they ALL are “Like a Single Fly, Farting in the Wind”, i.e., no one really hears that single fly. Even mass protests of a million people, marching in support of their cause, although impressive, still is just as a “Single Fly”. Phhhtttt! Okay, what was that sound, did you hear that? No, hear what?

Why are we all like that single fly? Because (and we are speaking to the like-minded folks), we need to ORGANIZE!  We cannot organize with the tools/social media that we have typically been utilizing. We MUST do something RADICALLY different if we are to truly organize, develop ideas/plans, and execute our plans. It isn’t going to happen unless we truly organize, and we are not talking about mass protests, or becoming a major media empire (although one of the related projects is to have one very large alternative media network, televised, on the radio, and in print. Large enough to be compared with the major media networks, just not controlled by the one-percenters.

This fund-raising effort is for two separate but equal parts of the initial stages. Equally important and simultaneously developed, we will be developing these two components for organizing, and realizing the eventual project goals.

The first is the development of a social media “Dedicated Intranet” platform AWAY from what is currently available, separate from the Internet as we know it today. The dedicated Intranet will have its own servers, vetted membership, encryption technology in every aspect, chat rooms that enable video conferencing between several participating “Groups”, and a professional staff to manage and monitor all aspects of the platform.

Simultaneously, and as a co-equal process, is the building and staffing of “Brick & Mortar” meeting places/locations all over the world, in perhaps as many as one hundred different cities. Each location will be “Connected” to all the other locations via the dedicated Intranet (not Internet), enabling simultaneous video conferencing. Each “Brick & Mortar” location will vet/verify all members, and have its own management team, and security capabilities based on the needs of each separate location.

We have a name for this, which was intentionally chosen for good reason, which we will explain. The name of the “Organization” is THE INTERNATIONAL TABERNACLE OF ABIDING DUDEISM. We know, “Tabernacle” makes it sound like some sort of religious entity, and “Dudeism”, well, that just sounds funny if you have ever seen the movie “The Big Lebowski”. It couldn’t be farther from being a religion or religious institution and it is seriously NOT based on the movie or Jeff Bridges character in that movie.

From the ITAD-NAO website:

ITAD-NAO believes that all of our human species are born equal and should share life in equality and peace on our planet. Those of our species that are more “Fortunate” should determine that their sole purpose in life is to help the “Less Fortunate” of our species. We believe as a species we should, and will live our lives based on giving, not taking, i.e., war is taking, and giving is the opposite.

What is ITAD-NAO? It’s not a religion or a new form of governing or policing the masses. It IS the right alternative to the New World Order (NWO) as perceived by the elite 1% of the top 1%. The New Age Order is NOT some new form of “Salvation” for our species or planet. It will be an age of Peace and Prosperity for all.

Our Doctrine:

So SIMPLE! Our ONE and ONLY “Doctrine” is the “GOLDEN RULE”. If you have no clue what that is, you have a serious depletion of brain cells/activity (Google it).

The ITAD-NAO is NOT some “Savior” from a virgin mother in Pacoima, California, or some “Alien” life-form from another galaxy, far, far away, or some “New Age” Guru sitting on pillows blowing smoke up your aaa, as he’s trying to get you to meditate a bunch of $$ into his bank account for his new Rolls Royce or two.

The ITAD-NAO is YOU. You and others form the collective thoughts and desires of millions of people that believe that we, as a species, CAN and WILL live in PEACE, with no more wars, famines, and suffering that have plagued all of mankind since the beginning of time. Imagine spending those trillions of war/death $$ on saving our planet, saving our species.

Our motto:




The choice is yours. Continue along as “Sheeple”, eating whatever grass your Shepherd leads you to, or join us. If you believe in our basic philosophy and are “Awake”, and you want to join and participate in this “Radical” idea, please feel free to contribute what ever amount you can afford. All of the donated funds will be used to hire professional website developers and to construct the “Brick & Mortar” locations we mentioned earlier.

If you are constantly speaking out, posting your frustrations on the existing social media platforms, but you feel sometimes that it is hopeless and against all odds, you, just like the rest of us, are just like that “Single Fly, Farting in the wind”. If you actively participate in “Protest Marches”, again, a “Single Fly, Farting in the Wind”……. One dude, a multi-billionaire, has spent tens of millions of dollars on his “Impeach Trump” Campaign, but again, he’s also suffering from that “Single Fly Syndrome”, (his fart might be slightly louder than ours). Besides, the problem goes much deeper and is much more important than who is POTUS at any given time. Hey, we are all part of the 99% against the 1% that currently have absolute control. Even though those of us that ARE “Awake” represent perhaps only 30% of that 99%, we can defeat the nwo, but only if we truly ORGANIZE.

If you desire to privately communicate your questions, comments, or suggestions about this Go Fund Me proposal, or any aspect of our project, Dr. Saxe can be reached via the GoFundMe website (below link) or write to him on the form below.

Thank you,

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, ?????? ????????? , ???? ??????, Paix et Demeure, ????????????? ?? ?????, ??? ? ??????????,, ?????, ?????, A?tî û Abad, ??? ? ????, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, ????? ?? ?????, Hòa bình và ? l?i, ??? ? ?????, ???? ??? ???????, ?????????????????????, Mir in bivanje,






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That “Rabid Wolf” (zionism) has been chomping down on that “Bone” (the USA) for a very long time.

How do you take away a bone from a rabid wolf? Throw him a piece of meat laced with rat poison perhaps, and run like hell?

First of all, those that know me or have read many of my posts, know that I refuse to capitalize words like “zionism”, so excuse the lack of respect I have.

Because of the advent of Social Media like farcecrap, twitter and other platforms (ironically owned and controlled by the zionists), millions of people have/are discovering the TRUTH about many things that have been well-kept secrets for decades. Some of the TRUTH has been hiding in plain sight. The reason for such a great “Awakening” is the fact that people have been actively “Seeking” the truth, and sharing the truth. Thanks to Investigative Reporters, Whistle Blowers, and so many others, we now have evidence on who the culprits are, how they did what they did, and how they kept the secrets for so long.

Not in any order, the truth about 9-11, the truth about the “Death-Grip” that zionism (rabid wolf) has had and still has, on our country, American politics, and the decisions that have been and still continue to be made by our congressional leaders in support of zionism. One of the many tools in the zionist bag of tricks is the use of pedophilia blackmail, evidenced recently by the epstein case/situation.

Despite what the main stream media (msm) and the zionist cabal that owns it, wants us to believe, I believe epstein’s “suicide” was a hoax, and that the zionist’s mossad have him safely tucked away somewhere. Regardless, epstein was/is an agent for the mossad that carried out his pedophilia blackmail for decades, and therefore was/is an extremely valuable asset of the mossad. They would never allow him to be “suicided”, he’s just too valuable and asset to them.

If you take this all the way back to the early sixties, you will discover that zionism began to grow in power here in the United States, slowly, but surely. They already had a foot-hold going back to World War Two, and earlier. The zionist’s plan really started in the late 1800’s, even before the first zionist world congress held in Basel, Switzerland in 1897.

Oswald did not kill John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963. There is evidence that the primary plotters/planners involved were the zionist regime along with our own intelligence factions like the FBI and the CIA. Three primary reasons they had to get rid of JFK. One, he wanted to shut down, eliminate the Federal Reserve (owned and run by the zionist cabal). Two, he openly declared he was going to stop the zionist’s nuclear weapons development. To this day, the zionists have refused to take part in, and sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT. It is estimated that the zionists have approximately 200 nuclear weapons, some say as many as 400. They are more of a “Rogue Nation” than North Korea is assumed to be. Three, JFK wanted to vastly downgrade our intelligence operations, like the CIA, and professed  a “Strategy of Peace” with the USSR.

For those who are unaware of exactly what the NPT is, From Wikipedia: The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament.[2] Between 1965 and 1968, the treaty was negotiated by the Eighteen Nation Committee on Disarmament, a United Nations-sponsored organization based in Geneva, Switzerland.

Recently, frump decided not to release some material on the JFK assignation due to “identifiable national security, law enforcement, and foreign affairs concerns,” according to a  White House spokesperson. Most of the guilty are either already dead, or are so old that they will die before the truth finally comes out in a court. Personally, I believe the conspiracy involved the zionist mossad, the CIA (the older Bush), the FBI, Johnson, and the mafia. The zionist mossad was the chief planner, the “Puppet Master”, and did not have to “pull the trigger” themselves because by this time, they were already in control of our political system, and ran the CIA, FBI, and high-level politicians (like Johnson) like puppets.

Fast-Forward to today. Our country has been taken over like a rabid wolf takes a bone. The zionists have been in full control of our political system for a well over thirty years now. You know your country has been invaded when your congress is taking money from the zionists, and in turn, they are sending billions of our tax dollars to the zionists. You know your congress is zionists’ “bitch” when they push for creating laws that making anti-zionism speech, illegal, which is against our U. S. Constitution’s First Amendment, protecting our “Free Speech Rights”.

You know that rabid wolf is in control when they start messing around with our “Second Amendment Rights”. It’s not about the guns anymore, for sure the cabal wants to take away our guns and our right to own them. As many of you have read my thoughts and opinions on this subject before, I repeat for those who have not. Laws need to be strengthened in one area. We need laws to prevent the mentally-impaired from getting their hands on ANY weapons. The analogy I share, “Let’s free all the looney-tunes from all the mental hospitals, and as they depart, give them all an AR-15 and ten clips of ammunition”. See what happens after their release back into a town near you.

There are so many areas of dysfunction in our government, I can’t list them all in this one post. Let me at least say that it doesn’t matter who you vote for at the federal level. Republican, Democrat, Independent, it doesn’t matter, they are ALL puppets of the zionist cabal once they are voted into office. Each party might have their own agenda, and their own reasons for their support for various issues like Environmental issues. You know where their allegiances are by the laws they pass and protect. As an example, relaxing certain laws and easing back on the restrictions that protect us from pollution, like relaxing or eliminating laws that once gave us some protection from the massive polluters like the oil companies.

Point is, regardless of political party or affiliation, Do Not vote for ANYONE that supports zionism in any way, and remove those politicians that do. Further, stop attending and supporting ANY churches or religious organizations that supports zionism. Jesus himself would find zionism abhorrent.

Another point is, the zionists own and control MOST of our main stream media, major industry, and for sure they own and control the “military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell speech on January 17th, 1961. JFK also warned us during a speech on April 27th 1961, to the American Newspaper Publishers Association in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York.

Now fast-forward to today. As I mentioned earlier, we now have the truth, the question I what are we going to do with that “Truth?”. How do we take our country back? How do we finally rid ourselves of that Rabid Wolf? Part of the solution is changing our system of governing. Rather than re-typing (cut & paste) from my last post, I include the following link for you to read as a continuing thought to this post.

I have posted many other essays/opinions on related subject matter, so please, browse my website for further information. Thanks for reading this.

We sometimes think it is hopeless and against all odds, but hey, we are part of the 99% against the 1% that currently have absolute control. We can defeat the nwo, but only if we truly ORGANIZE. Otherwise, we are all just as a “Single Fly, Farting in the Wind”. Some thoughts on possible miracles/solutions can be found on the following GOFUNDME page. If you have questions, suggestions, comments, etcetera, please send me an email or fill out the contact form below. Thank you.

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, Paix et Demeure, A?tî û Abad, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite,  Mir in bivanje,

For those of you that have enjoyed reading my posts and pages, and would like to make a small donation in support of my writing efforts, I have now set up a PayPal account for you to contribute $1 or so, or you can send some homemade Venison Jerky or Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups , your donation is 100% tax deductible. The preceding request for donations has always been my half-hearted attempt to make a little money from my writing. A few friends/relatives HAVE sent small donations, I even received some really good Venison Jerky one time from my Cousin Barry. No Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups yet however. I now add that IF you are like-minded and in agreement with this post, please donate to the cause. The monies will be used for things like hiring a professional web designer for the itad-nao website, and related needs.

All we need is ONE filthy-rich donor who doesn’t have his/her head stuck up their ass to fund the itad-nao website, several “Brick & Mortar” locations around the globe, and about 1,000 or so of those para-military dudes. Thank you very much.





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False Humility wrapped in a healthy dose of Ego/Pride

Look folks, I respect what he’s (Rick Wiles) doing with his podcast TruNews and all the years he’s been broadcasting. There is quite a bit that I like (his show) I even re-posted his piece on the Maxwell family today because I believe it, and wanted to share it, which I did on all my farcecrap pages and groups.

Where I draw the line is this farcecrap posting (of his recent broadcast) of how God answered HIS prayer, he spoke directly to the hurricane mind you (as God told him to do) and HIS prayer diverted the Hurricane Dorian away from Florida. That my friends is ludicrous. Had Dorian totally destroyed frumps Mar Lago, he may have told the whole world that THAT was an answer to HIS prayers. Bullshit.

Now, I do believe he is a sincere person, a devout and sincere “Christian”, but, and it’s a BIG BUTT, he’s in that same old trap that most “Christian” leaders are in, he is speaking to his avid followers that send part of their Social Security checks every month. Yes, it’s folks my age that send him their dollars, mostly, but I’m sure there are lots of folk/sheeple in every age group and ethnicity that help fund his operation as well.

It’s okay to believe in whatever you believe, but thinking AND telling your fan-base that YOUR prayer diverted a fucking Hurricane? That’s just pure nonsense. Mind you, at one time I was a “Bible-Toting, Tongue-Talking Christian” as well. I tried, I really tried. I just could not get past the science of things and my own “Common Sense”, in other words, even with the effort that I put into it, deep down I knew it was all one big hocus-pocus, pull-a-rabbit-out-of-hat scam. Anyway, to each his own,

I just think it is Ego/Pride, what I call, “False Humility” talking when you publicly make a statement like he did. If you care enough, just follow the Golden Rule, truly be humble in every way, and you’ll be okay.

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, ?????? ????????? , ???? ??????, Paix et Demeure, ????????????? ?? ?????, ??? ? ??????????,, ?????, ?????, A?tî û Abad, ??? ? ????, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, ????? ?? ?????, Hòa bình và ? l?i, ??? ? ?????, ???? ??? ???????, ?????????????????????, Mir in bivanje,

Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE

For those of you that have enjoyed reading my posts and pages, and would like to make a small donation in support of my writing efforts, I have now set up a PayPal account for you to contribute $1 or so, or you can send some homemade Venison Jerky or Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups , your donation is 100% tax deductible. The preceding request for donations has always been my half-hearted attempt to make a little money from my writing. A few friends/relatives HAVE sent small donations, I even received some really good Venison Jerky one time from my Cousin Barry. No Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups yet however. I now add that IF you are like-minded and in agreement with this post, please donate to the cause. The monies will be used for things like hiring a professional web designer for the itad-nao website, and related needs.

All we need is ONE filthy-rich donor who doesn’t have his/her head stuck up their ass to fund the itad-nao website, several “Brick & Mortar” locations around the globe, and about 1,000 or so of those para-military dudes. Thank you very much.

Visit my primary website at






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