Dr. Saxe responds to a caller on his radio program

Of course, I really don’t have a radio program, yet, but the following comment and my response IS real, from a posting of mine recently on Facebook. I changed just a few words in order to make it sound like a call-in radio program.

This is what I posted on Facebook:


Dr. Saxe: “Thanks for calling. What is your question or comment this morning?

Caller, Stormy Ben-Netanyahu (actual Facebook comment): And why did you post this traditional Jew hating, Jew baiting, piece of B.S., Tom? Not enough baseless hate in the world already? Sure it’s titled successful lies. But if we “repeat a lie often enough, it gets believed “.

Dr. Saxe: Well, kind sir, thank you first of all for calling in. I did not re-post this as an insult to people of the original Hebrew faith, who also oppose zionism (un-capitalized on purpose). My daughter’s significant other is Jewish (notice I Capitalized THAT word). He is a wonderful person, believes in his God and practices his faith, but, and it’s a BIG BUTT, he is totally opposed to what the zionists represent, and what they have done, and continue to do through-out the world in the “name” of HIS religion (zionists kidnapped the Hebrew Faith a long time ago).

As a people, I support the Jewish people, the Palestinian people, the Muslim people, the Buddhist people, basically I support people of all religious beliefs, skin colors, and genetic backgrounds. I just do NOT support zionism, as it IS a political system that has been proven to be one of the worst things to come along in our development/evolution as a species. Ranked right up there, (in the words of MANY Hebrew scholars/teachers/rabbis), with fascism, or other authoritarian systems of government.

A person is either a true zionist or a real Jewish person of the Judaic faith, he/she cannot be both at the same time, just the same as a person who is a christian-zionist cannot be both pro-zionism, and a true Christian (follower of Christ) at the same time. I am truly sorry if you are so offended by my beliefs, that you felt the anger that I detect in your comment. I would suggest that you study history as I have, to seek the answers/truth for yourself.

Religion in itself is NOT the answer to mankind’s needs and ultimate fulfillment and happiness, and it never has been. How many people do you think have been killed in the name of “religion” in the past three thousand years? Common Sense DOES play a huge part in understanding our species. A person doesn’t have to be attached to ANY belief system to recognize what zionism has done in places like, let’s say, Palestine.

If you still have ABSOLUTELY no clue, then that’s okay, as you have EVERY right to believe in whatever it is you believe in, just don’t deny another person, me for example, that same “right’ to believe differently. from you. Radicals or extremists of ANY kind, wither religious, political, or other, does NOT have ANY tolerance whatsoever for other religious, political or other systems. I happen to be a tolerant person. As long as a person/people lives by, and follow the Golden Rule, I’m a happy camper. Thanks again for your call and comment. Have a wonderful day!

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, ?????? ????????? , ???? ??????, Paix et Demeure, ????????????? ?? ?????, ??? ? ??????????,, ?????, ?????, A?tî û Abad, ??? ? ????, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, ????? ?? ?????, Hòa bình và ? l?i, ??? ? ?????, ???? ??? ???????, ?????????????????????, Mir in bivanje, Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE www.tcsblog.net

Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE

Read more at my other website, www.tcsblog.net

For those of you that have enjoyed reading my posts and pages, and would like to make a small donation in support of my writing efforts, I have now set up a PayPal account for you to contribute $1 or so, or you can send some homemade Venison Jerky or Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups , your donation is 100% tax deductible. The preceding request for donations has always been my half-hearted attempt to make a little money from my writing. A few friends/relatives HAVE sent small donations, I even received some really good Venison Jerky one time from my Cousin Barry. No Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups yet however. I now add that IF you are like-minded and in agreement with this post, please donate to the cause. The monies will be used for things like hiring a professional web designer for the itad-nao website, and related needs.

All we need is ONE filthy-rich donor who doesn’t have his/her head stuck up their ass to fund the itad-nao website and several “Brick & Mortar” locations around the globe. Thank you very much.





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Please tell me about that “Single Fly Farting” again Grandpa……

Rashida Tlaib defends the right to boycott on the floor of the House today as representatives debate a bill criminalizing boycotts of Israel over its human rights abuses:

I wrote the following “Comment” to the above, significant posting on farcecrap today and felt that it’s important enough to share via my own websites. Here’s the text of my comment, and the video link follows.

Although I did share this because of its importance, not only for our battle to maintain “FREE SPEECH”, but also because I too support the Palestinian efforts and write constantly about it, and the utter disgust I feel from ANY person or entity that supports zionism (small z on purpose).

The fact is though, even with great speeches from members of our Congress, it still is like a “Single Fly, Farting in the Wind”. WE MUST consolidate ALL our efforts, and do so AWAY from the zionist farcecrap platform. That is why I started the itad-nao website. To have not only a website dedicated to JUST CAUSES, but someday actual “Brick & Mortar Tabernacles” all over the planet.

The top 1% elite does want to bring on a nwo (again no caps intentionally) and they are led by the zionists. Why do you think there are so many members in the House & the Senate that are dual citizens of the so-called state of israel? Again, I purposely do not want to honor even the name with capitalized letters.

We, our species, are coming to a “Fork in the Road” as I call it. We can take the “left” road or the “Right” road. It is all part of the evolution of our species. The left road leads to the elimination of everything we hold sacred in our lives. OUR FREEDOMS, OUR INDIVIDUALITY, OUR VERY EXISTENCE. The right road, leads us into what I call the NEW AGE ORDER (NAO), which will (thinking positive here) be an age of PEACE, LOVE, PROSPERITY, AND TRUTH. for all of mankind.

I know I got carried away here just now with my “Comment”, but it’s that important folks. We need to CONSOLIDATE ALL OF OUR LITTLE FLY FARTS INTO ONE HUGE VOICE THAT CANNOT BE PUT DOWN OR DEFEATED.

You can choose to continue on, as that “Single Fly, Farting in the Wind”, or join myself and many others who have already joined. Again, this website is a tool, not a religion. Thanks for reading my “Comment’. Feel free to “Private Message” me for further details and explanations that will answer all of your questions.

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, ?????? ????????? , ???? ??????, Paix et Demeure, ????????????? ?? ?????, ??? ? ??????????, Peace e Abide, ?????, ?????, A?tî û Abad, ??? ? ????, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, ????? ?? ?????, Hòa bình và ? l?i, ??? ? ?????, ???? ??? ???????, ?????????????????????, Mir in bivanje, Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE

P. S. Since this was a speech on the House Floor today, I will update this with the video I spoke of and responded to as soon as it’s available OFF of farcecrap.

P. S. S. For more “Truth and Nothing BUT the Truth, so help me Karma”, go to my blog website at www.tcsblog.net

Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE

There still is time for the rescue of our species from the zionism, and the nwo elite.  Join “The International Tabernacle of Abiding Dudeism”. Make your “Fly Fart” count.

For those of you that have enjoyed reading my posts and pages, and would like to make a small donation in support of my writing efforts, I have now set up a PayPal account for you to contribute $1 or so, or you can send some homemade Venison Jerky or Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups , your donation is 100% tax deductible. The preceding request for donations has always been my half-hearted attempt to make a little money from my writing. A few friends/relatives HAVE sent small donations, I even received some really good Venison Jerky one time from my Cousin Barry. No Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups yet however. I now add that IF you are like-minded and in agreement with this post, please donate to the cause. The monies will be used for things like hiring a professional web designer for the itad-nao website, and related needs.

All we need is ONE filthy-rich donor who doesn’t have his/her head up their ass to fund the itad-nao website and several “Brick & Mortar” locations around the globe. Thank you very much.




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I prayed, and God, “Answered My Prayer”

Whatever you desired, a healing, some sort of financial “miracle”, the death of your worst enemy or your mother-in-law, whatever you prayed for, you have a 50/50 chance of it happening, or not. I suppose your “prayers” have better odds then at the Crap Table.

You say, “But I saw a woman who was paralyzed from the waist down get up and walk at one of the Reverend Hocus-Pocus Faith Healing Services last night”.   Listen gullible ones, if people could be “cured” by some dude swinging and hitting you with his $3,000 suit jacket, all the hospitals in the world would be empty.

You say, “Oh, but it was the woman’s “faith” and “God’s” will that she was “healed”…….or not. It still was a 50/50 chance that God had anything to do with it. One thing’s for sure, Reverend Hocus-Pocus took $187,654 to his bank the next day, and I’ll just bet you that woman is back to cruising around in her wheelchair…..or not.

“Faith” is nothing more than your gullible belief that you are going to roll a “7” or “11” each time you throw the dice. The same thing is true with everything in life, be it our religious beliefs or anything else for that matter.

You say, “Ahhh, but my faith in God is believing in the unseen” which I respond, “Go for it, there’s a 50/50 chance that you are wasting your emotional and mental well-being in vain. Still better odds than any game of chance”.

What is Faith? A word we hear all the time. “Keep the faith”, “Walk in faith”, “Having faith”. So, what is faith? Faith has several different definitions. Let me address the definition most used by religions.

“Faith” (insert gullibility here) is an absolute belief in a God or Gods, in the doctrines of ANY religions, based on spiritual apprehension RATHER THAN TRUTH OR WHAT IS SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN TO BE A FACT.

With something we call “Common Sense”, which is really not common at all, you will discover a far greater truth and wisdom. You will no longer have a fear (in the case of many religions) of going to Hell, or even of dying for that matter. You WILL embrace the simplest of truths, that we all know as the “Golden Rule”, “To treat ALL others as we ourselves desire to be treated”.

I’m not trying to attack or criticize anyone’s particular “faith” or belief system in WHATEVER it may be. They can believe whatever they feel they must believe in. Our universe and everything in it may well be a “creation” by some supreme being, and our universe may just well be an experiment in some Petri Dish across all time and space.

Whatever your beliefs are, it’s not going to prevent others, like myself from believing differently. For myself, I have discovered true peace, and wait for it……Forgiveness. For having the ability to truly forgive is the number one ingredient in the practice of following the Golden Rule.

That’s what I believe, and continue to “preach” and I can tell you from first-hand experience in my own life, understanding and believing the foregoing is what has truly rewarded me with a permanent, true peace, in my mind and in my heart. Give the dice a toss folks, try the Golden Rule.

P. S. So, I just posted this post, minus my Post Script just I am now adding, (I sure hope I can convince people to come back to read this), and I’m  sitting on my patio overlooking the entire bay of Ensenada, (and the “Ensenada Smoothie” has kicked in). I decide to change the music from ”Ella & Count Basie” to “Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young”. As I’m super-chillin’, this song of theirs begins playing, and I got the following thought, in other words, how the words inspired an entirely different, sort of strange interpretation of their words…..

I am yours; you are mine; you are what you are, and you make it hard

What have you got to lose? 

Put those words into a sort of strange light by thinking of the words of the “Golden Rule”.

“I am yours” as in, I would give my life and all history of my existence, for you.

“You are mine” as in, if you follow the same path as I do, you will do the same for me.

“You are what you are” as in, it really doesn’t matter to the both of us, what we believe in, as long as we both can truly live the “Golden Rule”.

“And you make it hard”, as in, the way you treat me with sacrificial love and compassion, I would be hard-pressed to go back to what I used to be.

“What have you got to lose”, speaks for itself.

Peace & Abide, La paz y la morada, ?????? ????????? , ???? ??????, Paix et Demeure, ????????????? ?? ?????, ??? ? ??????????, Pace e Abide, ?????, ?????, A?tî û Abad, ??? ? ????, Fred och Abide, Kapayapaan at Patuloy, Frieden und Bleiben, Mir i Ostanite, ????? ?? ?????, Hòa bình và ? l?i, ??? ? ?????, ???? ??? ???????, ?????????????????????, Mir in bivanje

Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD, RSISHE

For those of you that have enjoyed reading my posts and pages, and would like to make a small donation in support of my writing efforts, I have now set up a PayPal account for you to contribute $1 or so, or you can send some homemade Venison Jerky or Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups , your donation is 100% tax deductible. The preceding request for donations has always been my half-hearted attempt to make a little money from my writing. A few friends/relatives HAVE sent small donations, I even received some really good Venison Jerky one time from my Cousin Barry. No Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups yet however. I now add that IF you are like-minded and in agreement with this post, please donate to the cause. The monies will be used for things like hiring a professional web designer for the itad-nao website, and related needs.

Thank you very much.



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